Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Read - They Went To Church After Sex; The Pastor's Sermon Touched Them

Sermon That Touches The Heart: The Day My Boyfriend And I Went To Church

My boyfriend and I drove to
church one Sunday. I had gone to
his house on Friday from work; I
hadn’t visited him for a very long
time. Gosh! It was one of the
wildest weekends I have ever

From that Friday night, the only
break we had from the sheets
were times we had our meals and
a couple other times.
On Sunday, we got into church as
usual. We sang and danced like
every other worshipper.

My boyfriend and I were all
‘touchy touchy’; he would whisper
something into my ears and I
would whisper too. What looked
like Sunday as usual took a
different turn when our pastor
mounted the podium. His sermon
was titled “First Love”; he was
preaching how we related with
God the first time we gave our
lives to Christ.

He kept mentioning all the things
Christians do these days without
any sense of guilt.

He turned to a corner of the hall
and said “I can tell you for certain
that some of you came to church
today straight from your
boyfriends’ bedrooms.” The part
of the hall he was pointing at
happened to be where we sat.
“Somebody there, you are looking
at me now; you came to church
from your boyfriend’s house.”
The whole congregation was
quiet; everyone listened to the
pastor with a straight face.
At the end of the sermon, pastor
made an ‘altar call’; “bow down
your head and close your eyes”
he commanded.

“If you know you purposely lied
or deceived someone or you
committed fornication this week
come to the altar.” It was a very
fiery sermon. More than half of
the church emptied to the altar.
“Do not wait for anybody; do not
look at your partner especially if
your sin partner is there with

I squeezed Fred’s hand, hoping
he would jump to his feet and
lead the way to the altar. He did
not move. I left him there and
walked down to the altar.
After prayers, I returned to my
seat only to find out Fred was not
there. I reached for my seat and
sat down. On looking up, I saw
him returning from the altar.
Back in the house, we both
looked like fowls thoroughly
beaten in the rain. Before I left
his house that evening, we
resolved we were going to abstain
from sex until we have tied the


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