Sunday, November 30, 2014

AY Comedian and Wife Celebrate Their 6th Years of Marital Bliss [Photos]

 AY Comedian and Wife Celebrate Their 6th Years of Marital Bliss
When you remain married after a year , it’s no mean feat. When you go 6 years, well, you need to be applauded in this present Nigeria.

Celebrity comedian Ayo Makun popularly known as Ay, tied the nuptial knot with his wife six years ago and they still waxing stronger.

Celebraing their sixth anniversary, Ayo celebrated his wife, saying

Within the twinkle of an eye, it is already 6 yrs of marital bliss and 10 yrs of companionship. I met u when i had nothing…. but as a woman of substance and integrity, u believed in d man u decided to spend d rest of ur life with. Thru thick and thin we have grown into being there for each other, and understanding what it means to love and be loved. You are still the wind beneath my wings… that’s why i fly so high in d place of grace and devine favour. I love and will always love u Mrs Makun. Happy anniversary

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